It is true that a major renovation to your house can be a big investment when selling your homes. But there are some inexpensive ways to give your home a new make-over that can add value to your home and increase the buyer’s interest.
1. “Curb appeal” landscaping.
The exterior of the house is the first thing a buyer will see. It makes sense to invest a little money on landscaping. It is one of the simplest and cheapest makeovers that you can have in your home. A yard makeover can create a huge difference and moneymaking upgrade. It is also more quickly completed than many other renovations.
2. Paint
A paint job can be a great way to freshen up your home. Think of it as a “facelift” for your home. A tiny bit of new color can go a very long way in terms of upgrading your home’s appearance.
3. Flooring
A simple change of flooring can cost a lot less than you may think. Even refinishing hardwood floors adds an incredible amount of value to your home.
Also, an outdated flooring can define how old your home is, especially if it’s vinyl. Whether you pick tiles, carpets, hardwood, laminate, or cork, a simple flooring makeover can make your home seem fresh, new, and updated.
4. Window Coverings
This change can dramatically change the look of a room. A beautifully dressed window can draw attention away from less desirable features in a room. The current window coverings may benefit from fresh trimmings or other enhancements. Just think of replacing heavy window coverings with something lighter. As the winter comes, you will want to maximize the amount of light coming into your home. Compared to other upgrades, changes to windows are very easy on our wallet while packing a wallop of an effect.
5. Declutter
When selling your home, the rule-of-thumb is “less is more”. Gather all our old and unused things into storage. The minimum of furniture and décor creates the dramatic impression when potential buyers are viewing your home.
And that’s it! Renovation doesn’t necessarily mean you need to spend a fortune. A little patch here and a little paint there might just get you the top dollar you want for your home.
If you want more advices, ask an agent and let's talk about it here at Bushnell Real Estate Solutions. Contact us now